
Normally, function arguments are passed by value. This means that if you call e.g. Schreibe den Text t., a copy of the variable t is made and passed to the function. So the function cannot change t.

In DDP, functions can also specify so-called references as parameter types. It looks like this:

Die Funktion foo mit dem Parameter param vom Typ Text Referenz, gibt nichts zurück, macht:
    Speichere "new!" in param.
Und kann so benutzt werden:
    "Verändere <t>"

And you can call the function like this:

Der Text t ist "old".
Schreibe t. [writes "old" to the Console]
Verändere t.
Schreibe t. [writes "new!" to the Console]

As you can see, reference parameters take variables as arguments. If you passed them a value, e.g. a literal, there would be an error:

Verändere "Fehler". [compile error: foo expected a variable]

Any type name can be made a reference type by appending “Referenz” to the type name. So Zahlen Liste becomes Zahlen Listen Referenz, Wahrheitswert becomes Wahrheitswert Referenz, etc.

Normal variables cannot be reference types, only function parameters.